Tuesday, November 13, 2007



the sun has been making surprise appearances this week. Oh, how happy, happy, happy, this weather makes me. I like to pretend I'm cheating winter by just one more day - take that old man winter!

Don't get me wrong, winter means snowboarding, ice skating, skiing and several other activities I don't do - it's a fun season, just not for me.

But, now...I'm a Mummy and a role model. I'm sure Marley doesn't care how many interesting books I can read or how long I can sit in front of the fire thinking deep and very profound thoughts - honest, I do. I can sit ALL day.

SO, time to buck up, bundle up and enjoy the season with my sweethearts and good friends. The people who do snowboard, ski, skate, snowshoe and whatever other "s" winter sports there are - shoveling?

Really, this is all about me tackling my fair-weather parenting approach. Happy when the sun is out (sleeping through the night, she wasn't fussy today; she went down easy for her naps). These are the sunny days when my little one's behaviour reflects how truly genius, how truly gifted and insightful my parenting is. The days Marley and I gel because I'm so good, so very good at parenting.

Then there are the cloudy, stormy days when Marley is fussy, not sleeping well, etc. The days I'd rather curl up and read a book or sit all day and "think" about "stuff". The days I don't want to do anything because anything and everything seems too hard.

Marley doesn't put up with my smooth talk, my reasoning, or my explanations. She cuts through my bullshit pretty fast, days on the couch alone with my thoughts are long gone. So, I've no excuses. I must get out, engage with the world, be in the world, even when it's cold.

I suspect that the cloudy days have some good lessons. I think my physics teacher Mr. Hussain probably had some good lesson too, I wouldn't know - I cut his class all the time. Hmmmmm, looks like karma is giving me my theory of relativity lesson after all…


Anonymous said...

Clouds move. How's that?

kelly said...

True! And the sun is always shining, n'est pas?