Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Today my beautiful surprise is 10 months old.

Ten things about my baby girl.

1. Her full name is Marley Sparrow Rutherford. She is named for my maternal grandmother.
2. Her baby toes look like an after thought, like an angel said "you forgot the baby toe on that one - here, quick, puts these two on."
3. She is funny.
4. Her Jolly Jumper keeps us both very entertained - BIG AIR!
5. She has seven cousins.
6. When she wakes up she is often heard laughing - the angels and fairies must be very funny.
7. She is a passionate eater and moving on to table foods.
8. She LOVES her music class, almost always, see #9!
9. She is terrified of slide whistles, the jooooop-joooooop-joooop- sound always sends her into a blind fit of tears.
10. She is over the moon adored by her ga-ga parents.

I'm going to follow my bliss, off to bed...

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