Monday, November 5, 2007

Poor old boring gets a second look.

I went to my Buddhist class. It didn't start well. The suggested donation was $10.00 and I had a $20.00, no change in the box. I scolded myself for being so tacky and left the money happy to fund a better cause than my Egg Nog Latte addication (that's right, November 1st Starbucks sells Egg Nog lattes, they don't advertise but I'm in the know. If fact, I got a wink from the dude behind the counter when I asked for one a few days ago- I'm just THAT cool)

So back to class, the topic was: "The Restless Heart and Boredom". I couldn't wait for the wisdom to flow and I was sitting in the front row to catch it all. Man, what a boring talk, really. The boring waves of the teacher voice nudging me awake was painful. And then, a - ha, of course, what an awesome lesson. My boredom was caused by my judgement of the instructor (very boring) not her words or message. I felt like I might be able to actually experience some stillness and understanding in this lifetime.

This is a must remember for our West Coast RAINY days (now until April)

I was thinking of trying to learn how to do pictures for my new blog but both my sweethearts are sleeping - time to join them.

1 comment:

Mika said...

That's why I hate school, it is all the teacher, not the subject. Too bad, maybe you will find a better group.

How old is your little one?